Cure Blindness Australia

We would like to thank Cure Blindness Australia for supporting our electrophysiology clinic for patients with inherited retinal dystrophies.

Optometry-led clinical model impact recognised

Industry professionals in Victoria have written to the editor of Clinical and Experimental Optometry recognising the impact of the Centre for Eye Health’s optometry-led clinical model in reducing the burden of vision loss in the community.

5th Year Research Project

As part of their 5th year research project, UNSW Optometry and Vision Science students Sheila Lam and Clarissa Lin conducted a study with CFEH researchers Henrietta Wang, Jack Phu, Michael Kalloniatis and A/Prof Sieu Khuu (UNSW) to evaluate a new computer-based test, the Line Sag test, for assessing metamorphopsia in patients with epiretinal membranes.

Pharma feature

The latest edition of Pharma features a Q&A approach to the most common eye diseases seen in Australia.

Collaborative care model

CFEH employs a unique shared care model where ophthalmologists from the Prince of Wales Hospital work collaboratively with the Centre’s optometrists.

Prof Michael Kalloniatis and Dr Jack Phu’s newly published paper

Glaucoma researchers Dr Jack Phu and Prof Michael Kalloniatis have been working hard to identify better ways to perform visual field tests in clinical practice. Their most recent paper has just been accepted for publication in the prestigious American Journal of Ophthalmology.

Low-vision services now available

COVID-19 has meant that accessing your essential health services has become a little more difficult, but we are here to help.